Athletics center

Olga Rypakova


The program of the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan 17-19.09.19


The Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among youth sports schools and sports schools for senior boys U-18

(born in 2002-2003) and for junior boys and girls U-16 (born in 2004-2005)

September 17-19, 2019

Karaganda Shakhter Stadium

September 17 – 1st day of the competition


08:30 s/x 5000m ml. boys final race

09:00 c/x 3000 m. ml. girls final race

09:20 running 100 m senior ml boys 10.8-borye 1 type

09:20 Shot put senior, junior girls main competition

09:35 running 100 m senior girls races

09:50 running 100 m. ml. girls races

10:00 Long jump senior, junior boys 10.8-borye-2 view

10:15 running 100 m. senior boys races

10:20 Shot Put senior , ml, boys main competition

10:30 running 100 m ml. boys races

10:55 running 400m senior boys races

11:00 Long jump senior girls main competition

11:00 High jump junior boys main competition

11:15 running 400m senior boys races

11:20 Senior shot put . ml. boys 10.8-3 kind

11:35 running 600 m ml. girls final races

12:00 running 600 m ml.boys final races

12:00 High jump senior junior boys 10-borye 4 view

Awarding of winners and prize-winners of competitions after the end of the type

15:30- Opening parade of the competition

16:00 Hammer throw senior ,junior girls main competitions

16:00 Long jump senior boys main competition

16:00 High jump Jr. girls main competition

16:00 running 100 m senior , junior girls final

16:10 running 100 m senior . Junior boys final

16:25 running 400 m senior girls final

16:30 running 400 m art. boys final

16:35 running 400 art., ml. boys 10.8-borye-5 and 4 kind

16:45 1500m senior run .girls final races

17:00 1500 m senior run .boys final races

17:00 Hammer throw senior , junior boys main competitions

17:15 running 2000 m ml. girls final races

17:30 running 2000 m. junior boys final races

17:45 Relay race 4x 100m art. ml. girls final races

18:00 Relay race 4x100m art. ml boys final races

Awarding of winners and prize-winners of competitions after the end of the type


September 18- 2nd day of the competition


09:00 running 100m s/w senior . ml girls 7-borye-1 view

09:10 running 100 m/b girls races

09:30 110 m/w st. ml.boys 10.8-borye-6 and 5 view

09:40 running 110 m/b boys races

10:00 High jump senior junior girls 7-borje-2vid

10:00 running 200 m. girls races

10:00 Long jump Jr. girls main competition

10:20 running 200 m art. boys races

10:40 High jump Jr.boys 8-borye-6 view

11:00 Javelin throwing senior , junior boys main competitions

11:00 Senior shot put . ml. girls 7-borye-3 kind

11:00 Pole vault senior . ml. girls main competitions

11:05 running 300 m senior .junior boys main competitions

11:10 Long jump junior boys main competition

11:30 s/x 5000 m art. girls Final race

11:50 Senior discus throw .boys 10-borje-7vid

11:50 running 200 m art. ml. girls 7-borye-4 view

12:00 c\x 10000 m senior . boys final

12:30 Pole vault art. boys 10-borye-8 view


Evening program

15:00 Javelin throw art. ml. boys 10,8-borye-9 and 7 kind

15:00 Pole vault boys main competition

15:00 running 2000 m s/h. girls final races

15:15 running 2000 m/h ml.girls final races

15:30 running 2000 m/h art. boys final races

15:40 running 2000 m/h junior boys final races

16:00 Discus throw art. ml. girls main competitions

16:00 High jump art.girls main competition

16:00 running 110 m s/w st. ml.boys final

16:10 running 100 m s/w girls final

16:20 running 200 m art.girls final

16:25 running 200m art.boys final

16:35 running 300 m ml.girl final

16:40 running 300 m ml.boys final

16:45 1500 m running.Boys 10-borye-10 view

16:55 running 1000 m ml.boys 8-borye -8 view

17:00 High jump art.boys main competition

17:15 running 800 m art.boys final races

17:30 Relay race 4×200 mix art.girls, boys Jr. girls, boys final races

Awarding of winners and prize-winners of competitions after the end of the type


September 19 – the 3rd day of the competition


09:30 Long jump girls 7athlon -5 view

09:30 running 3000m art. girls final races

09:45 running 3000 m art. boys final races

10:00 Triple jump art.girls main competition

10:05 running 400 m s/w art.girls final races

10:15 running 400 m s/w art. boys final races

10:30 running 300 m sat ml. boys final races

10:45 running 300 m/b ml.girls final races

10:50 Triple jump art.Boys 7-borye-6 view

10:50 Javelin throw Jr.girls final races

11:00 running 1000 m ml.girls final races

11:20 running 1000m ml.boys final races

11:45 Relay race 4×400 m art. girls final races

11:55 Relay race 4×400 m art.boys final races

12:05 running 800 m girls 7-borye-7vid

12:30-closing of the competition

Awarding of winners and prize-winners of competitions after the end of the type

