Athletics center

Olga Rypakova



The visit to Ust-Kamenogorsk of Gennady Gabrielyan, a personal trainer of the unique high jumper Maria Lasitskene even by world standards, was a pleasant shock for all fans and professionals of this sport. Praise to all the higher and lower forces, our correspondent managed to snatch the superstar of the coaching workshop from the dense ring of his Kazakhstani colleagues, and talk with him for a quarter of an hour. The brain explosion was assured.

– How did it become possible that you came here?

– It turned out in such a way that our season ended, the moment for rest came, and there was an opportunity to come. I am very pleased to share my experiences and ideas, the guys did everything perfectly, the coaches were very understanding. I will be very glad if some thoughts will be useful to the guys and coaches in the workflow.

– Didn’t you want to tell everything to go to hell, and finally relax after constant traveling, stay at home?

– To be honest, coaches, like people in any other field, who are “burning” with their profession, who think about their favorite business day and night, they are pleased to talk, communicate. There are no such concepts as work or rest for such cases. You can talk about it day and night. It’s just nice that you can find new like-minded people. In addition, it is pleasant and useful to scroll through everything in your head anew, to remember some forgotten things.

– Where did they grab you with a death grip and say: “Gennady Garikovich, you really need it!”?

– This generally happens by itself. We cross paths a lot at the start, share our thoughts. So it all worked out by itself.

– What did you know about Ust-Kamenogorsk before you came here?

– I have heard that this is a very beautiful, friendly city. I have never been here before, but I am glad that I visited your city, I really liked it. I noticed that the people here are very friendly.

– We are proud of our athletics arena. We are told that there is simply nothing like this within a radius of 3.5 thousand kilometers. Is it possible to compare it with the Moscow manege?

– Of course! Just to the previous question! Ust-Kamenogorsk is famous for its sports organization in general and athletics school in particular. This city has an Olympic champion. The arena is beautiful. It’s nice that athletics is one of the leading sports here. By the way, I would like to congratulate Olga Rypakova on the medal of the Continental Cup.

– Your “auxiliary material” during seminars and practical classes was the whole color of the East Kazakhstan high jump. What impression did our athletes leave?

– First of all, I have a very warm impression of these guys. They are very kind, it was easy to work with them, they are very obedient. Secondly, as athletes, they are disciplined, always ready to work and very responsible. Now, at the competitions, I have become convinced that athletics is already in their blood, that it is an integral part of their lives. During this seminar, the athletes faced conditions that were not entirely comfortable for themselves: they were offered a slightly different run-up, different angles, different settings. I saw in their eyes the desire to improve the result. And this is the main proof that a person is doing his job.

– Have you noticed any mistake that would be common to all?

– No, by no means. There are no mistakes at all! There is a certain approach, a stereotype of the image. Another thing is that this sometimes does not coincide with the realization of the athlete’s internal capabilities, as well as his external ambitions. I do not take this to the rank of mistakes, but to the rank of the character of the movements and psychology of the athlete himself. That is, it is probably more the setting of the ideology of the movements and the attitude towards the movement. This is just the direction of thought of the coach and the athlete himself, who instills in himself an inner school of movements. And the internal movement schools are fundamentally different from each other for different athletes. And one thing may seem like a mistake to another, although, in fact, there are no mistakes.

– So what might be a mistake for one person is the only correct approach for the other?

– Absolutely right! There are no strict stereotypes, but there are many ideas. A high jump is a young look, especially a back jump. Fosbury completed it in 1968.

– So he’s still young?

– Yes, I think so, because humanity has not yet found the optimal way to convert a large horizontal velocity into a vertical one. There are a lot of techniques and ways to do this.

– Before the back jump, there was a flip style, which very few people jump with, if they jump at all. Has he completely outlived himself?

– I think there are a lot of interesting things in it. If you dig in a little bit. Then I really like the work of the swing leg in the swing style. Directly the work that is done on the ground: the cushioning part and the directly pushing part. It is original in that there are promises with a straight leg and there, willingly or unwittingly, it turns out to be fast and strong on the support. And this is exactly what Fosbury’s jumping style lacks, because there the swing needs to be done with a bent leg, and the message of rigidity, speed and strength is a little lost. And, it turns out, the flywheel leg works either strongly, but not fast, or quickly, but “breaks off”. This is reflected in the failure to fall into a vertical column, falling over the shoulders ahead of time, and so on, so on, so on. And it seems to me that the problems in height are connected precisely with the problem of working with the flywheel leg. Adjust to the speed. It’s like in aeroconstruction. If we had come from aerodynamics, and the speed was adapted to aerodynamics, then progress would have been much slower. The opposite is happening – speed is put at the forefront, and the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft are adapted to it. Because of this, aircraft change their appearance. It is the same here, you need to proceed from the opposite. This is a very complicated process. It’s easier to adapt and work at low speed, but if you start working at high speeds… There are thousands of thoughts on this, one of which I shared with the guys and coaches.

– Here, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, an international tournament for the prizes of Olympic Champion Olga Rypakova is held in winter. If you and Maria Lasitskena receive an invitation, how will you react to it?

– We are always very warm and friendly to such events, we always respond, so we will definitely consider it. All this, of course, is related to the work schedule and its density. But if there is an opportunity, we are always happy to accept the invitation.

A source:

Alexey Gubanov

Photo by the author
