Athletics center

Olga Rypakova

Сompetition program


Spring Athletics Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among senior boys May 21-23, 2021 Almaty Schedule May 21 is the 1st day of the competition 9:50 10000m Men’s, Women’s Final 10:00 Triple Girls Final 10:30 100m (1) Boys 8-borje 10:40 100m Women, Girls Races 11:00 Core Men, Boys Final 11:10 100m Men, boys Races 11:10 Length (2) Boys 8-borye 11:50 400m Girls Races 12:10 Triple Women’s Final 12:10 400m Men, boys Races 12:30 Core (3) Boys 8-borye Almaty Arena 10:00 M/Hammer throw Women, Girls Final 11:00 M/Hammer Men, boys Final Evening program 16:00 Pole Boys Final 16:00 Core Women, Girls Final 16:00 Boys’ Length Final 16:00 Height Women, Girls Final 16:00 100m Women, girls Final 16:10 100m Men, boys Final 16:25 400m Women, Girls Final 16:35 400m Men, boys Final 16:45 400m(4) Boys 8-borje 16:50 1500m Women, Girls Final 17:00 Sixth Men’s Final 17:05 1500m Men, boys Final 17:20 Men’s Length Final 17:25 5000m s/x Girls Final 18:00 4*100 m Relay Women, girls Final 18:15 4*100 m Relay Men, boys Final 18:30 10000 agricultural Boys Final Awarding ceremony 17:25, 18:40 May 22 – 2nd day of the competition Morning program 9:00 3000m s/p Men’s Final 9:20 100m s/w (1) Girls 7-borye 9:25 100m s/w Girls Races 9:35 100m s/w Women’s Races 9:45 110m s/b (5) Boys 8-borye 9:50 110m s/w Boys races 9:50 Height (2) Girls 7-borye 10:00 110m s/w Men’s races 10:00 Triple Men’s Final 10:15 200m Women, Girls Races 10:30 Height (6) Boys 8-borye 10:45 200m Men, boys Races 11:00 Core (3) Girls 7-borye 11:00 Women’s Length Final 11:40 Spear (7) Boys 8-borye Almaty Arena 9:00 Disc Women, Girls Final 9:40 Drive Men, boys 11:00 Javelin Women, Girls Final 12:00 Javelin Men, Boys Final May 22 – 2nd day of the competition Evening program 16:00 Sixth Final 16:00 Height Men, Boys Final 16:00 Triple Boys Final 16:00 100m s/w Girls Final 16:10 100m s/w Women’s Final 16:20 110m s/w Boys Final 16:30 110m s/w Men’s Final 16:40 200m Women, Girls Final 16:50 200m Men, boys Final 17:00 Sixth Women’s Final 17:00 200m (4) Girls 7-borje 17:00 Girl’s Length Final 17:15 2000m s/n Girls Final 17:25 2000m s/p Boys Final 17:35 1000m (8) Boys 8-borje 17:50 4*400m Relay Women, girls Final 18:00 4*400 m relay Men, boys Final Awarding ceremony 17:15.18:30 May 23rd – the 3rd day of the competition Morning program 9:00 5000m Women’s Final 9:00 Length (5) Girls 7-borye 9:25 5000m Men’s Final 9:45 3000m Girls Final 10:00 Spear (6) Girls 7-borye 10:05 3000m Boys Final 10:25 400m s/w Women, girls Final 10:40 400m s/w Men, boys Final 11:00 800m Women, Girls Final 11:20 800m Men, boys Final 11:30 800m (7) Girls 7-borje 11:40 4*200m mix Final Awarding ceremony at 12:00 Attention! The program is always subject to change!

Photos from the award ceremony of the winners and prize-winners. Results of the first day

  Running 100 m Girls (41 participants): 1. Valeria Bromat (East Kazakhstan Region) – 12.09 2. Daria Gridasova (Almaty) – 12.50 3. Anastasia Rypakova (East Kazakhstan Region) – 12.59 Relay race 4 to 100 m Girls (8 teams): 1. East Kazakhstan Region (Benke, Bromate, Rypakova, Safonova) – 49.52 2. Karaganda region – 49.62 3. Pavlodar region – 50.77 Triple jump Girls (11 participants): 1. Polina Stepanova (Nur Sultan) – 12.16 2. Elizaveta Fedoruk (Karaganda region) – 12.00 3. Dilara Khabibullina (East Kazakhstan Region) – 11.41 High jump Girls (13 participants): 1. Alina Chistyakova (Karaganda region) – 170 2. Victoria Popravkina (SKO) – 165 3. Anatolia Dinch (East Kazakhstan Region) – 165 Girls (7 participants): 1. Adema Yerlankyzy (East Kazakhstan region) – 32.70 2. Victoria Rattseva (Shymkent) – 31.33 3. Salidat Kazova (Mangystau region) – 28.97 Running 100 m Boys (41 participants): 1. Alisher Amrin (SKO) – 11.44 2. Artyom SIZYKH (East Kazakhstan Region) – 11.59 3. Danil Popov (Karaganda region) – 11.59 Running 400 m Boys (35 participants): 1. Nikita Petyakhin (East Kazakhstan Region) – 50.45 2. Gleb Peacock (East Kazakhstan Region) – 51.76 3. Mikhail Gorlov (East Kazakhstan Region) – 51.94 Relay race 4 to 100 m Boys (9 teams): 1. Karaganda region – 44.99 2. East Kazakhstan Region (Chenykaev, Teterin, Sizykh, Zinoviev) – 45.10 3. Pavlodar region – 45.47 Pole Vault Boys (3 participants): 1. Artur Kultyshev (Almaty) – 4.20 2. Maxim Balabin (Almaty) – 3.80 3. Roman Lisovsky (East Kazakhstan Region) – 3.20 Hammer Throwing Boys (5 participants): 1. Maxim Torlopov (East Kazakhstan Region) – 47.11 2. Ilya Kalashnikov (North Kazakhstan Region) – 39.87 3. Bogdan Kisilchak (Karaganda region) – 36.96

Сompetition program


Youth Athletics Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan May 25-27, 2021 Almaty Schedule May 25 is the 1st day of the competition Morning program 8:50 Sport walking men, women Final 10:00 Hammer Women Final 10:00 100 m (1) men 10-thlon 10:10 100 m Women’s Races 10:30 Length (2) Men 10-thlon 10:40 100 m Men’s Running 11:10 400 m Women’s Races 11:00 Hammer Men Final 11:30 400 m Men’s Races 11:30 The Core of the Man (3) 10-thlon Evening program 15:00 Sixth Men’s Final 16:00 Height (4) Men 10-thlon 16:00 100 m Women’s Final 16:00 Men’s Triple Jump Final 16:00 Core Women Final 16:10 100 m Men’s Final 16:25 400 m Women’s Final 16:30 400 m Men’s Final 16:40 1500 m Women’s Final 16:55 1500 m Men’s Final 17:00 Height of the Woman Final 17:00 Core Men’s Final 17:10 400 m (5) Men 10-thlon 17:20 10000m Men’s Women’s Final Awarding May 26 – 2nd day of the competition Morning program 10:00 110 s/b (6) Men 10-thlon 10:00 Disc women’s Final 10:10 110 m s/w Men’s races 10:25 100 m s/w (1) Women 7-thlon 10:35 100m s/w Women’s Races 10:50 200 m Women’s Races 11:00 Height (2) Women 7-thlon 11:00 Disc (7) Men 10-borje 11:10 200 m Men’s Races 11:30 400 m s/w Men’s final 11:45 400 m s/w Women’s final 12:00 Disc Men’s Final 12:30 Pole (8) Men 10-thlon Evening program 16:00 Javelin (9) Men 10-thlon 17:00 110 s/w Men’s final 17:00 Triple Women’s Final 17:00 Sixth Women’s Final 17:00 Men’s Javelin Final 17:10 100m s/w Women’s Final 17:30 Core (3) Women 7-thlon 17:30 200 m Women’s Final 17:40 200 m Men’s Final 17:50 200 m (4) Women 7-thlon 18:00 1500 m (10) Men 10-thlon 18:10 3000 m s/p Women’s Final 18:00 Men’s Height Final 18:25 3000m s/p Men’s Final 18:30 Women’s Javelin Final 18:40 800 m Women’s Final 18:50 800 m Men’s Final 19:10 4x100m Women’s Final 19:20 4x100m Men’s Final Awarding May 27 – the 3rd day of the competition Morning program 10:00 Length (5) Women 7-thlon 10:00 5000 m Women’s Final 10:20 5000 m Men’s Final 10:40 Women’s Length Final 11:00 Spear (6) Women 7-thlon 11:20 4×400 m Women’s Final 11:30 4×400 m Men’s Final 12:00 800 m (7) Women 7- thlon 12:00 Men’s Length Final Awarding Attention! The program is always subject to change!

Results of the first day of the Youth Athletics Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Results the national team of the East Kazakhstan region on the first day of competition: Men Hammer Throwing Eldos Aubakirov 38.87 personal best 1st place 10000 m Nikita Evdokimov 34:49.32 2nd place 100 m Lavrushenko Andrey  11.05 3rd place Women 100 m Bromate Valeria 12.31 1st place Hammer Throwing Anastasia Koloshina 48.48 1st place Shot put Elena Trontova  12.14 1st place High jump Elizaveta Matveeva 1.80 2nd place 400 m Kaysynova Ayim 57.09 3rd place 1500 m Regina Mitrofanova 4:40.43 3rd place         

Results of the third day of the Youth Games


The assembly of the East Kazakhstan region took the second place in the overall team count. Congratulations to athletes and coaches!!! Results of the East Kazakhstan region national team on the final competition day of Youth Athletics games of the Republic of Kazakhstan Men: Estafeta 4×400 Lavrushenko Andrey Lavrentiev Yakov Tarasov Efim Khrunin Igor 3:18.79 1st place Run 5000 m Evdokimov Nikita 16: 25.14 3rd place Women: Jumps in length Anastasia Repakova 5.95 1st place Valeria bromate 5.91 2nd place Estafeta 4×400 Kaisanova Ayym Taranenko Anastasia Mitrofonova Regina Bogomolova Margarita 4: 00.43 3rd place RESULTS OF A TEAM FIGHT 1 kg 1308 2 RKO 1136 3 ALM 1112 4 PVL 804 5 SHMK 668 6 KST 488 7 SKO 487 8 Hello 424 9 MNG 282 10 LDCs 226 11 kzo 201 12 ZHBL 182 13 TKO 140 14 zko 87 15 Act 20

Important information!


The Federation informs that in connection with the planned training of athletes of National National teams to participate in the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan has taken quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among national teams. Since the Central Stadium of Almaty is an accredited sports facility, it will be provided by the National Athletics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period from July 5 to July 20, 2021. It is prohibited to hold all sports events during the specified period. For this reason, it is not possible to hold the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among junior boys and girls, as well as the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan among Juniors (July 2-4) on the previously approved dates.  The dates of these competitions are postponed to June 28-30, 2021, the day of arrival is June 27. Source: