At the end of the winter season, our correspondent managed to meet with Denis Sergeevich Rypakov, Director of the KSU of the East Kazakhstan Region for Athletics, and ask him questions about the progress of work in the East Kazakhstan Athletics Federation.
– With the opening of the athletic center, children and adults have the opportunity to fully engage in athletics. What has changed since then? And what is the arena like today?
– Firstly, with the advent of the arena, most people have the opportunity to study in decent conditions. Now the possibilities have increased enormously and opened up. Our coaches and children have 5 thousand square meters of usable space at their disposal. Unas is a certified arena, because it’s nice when children are provided with everything and there is all the equipment to practice. The boarding school for gifted children in sports is growing, we go on trips with children, coaches take all kinds of courses, we are cozy and very comfortable. Recently, the national team of Kazakhstan came, they have been training with us in winter for the third year. Because, unfortunately, there is nowhere else to train in Kazakhstan. In fact, I would like every region to have such an arena. This will give an impetus to the development of athletics, the improvement of the nation, and we will be able to enter the top 30 countries.
– The number of competitions has increased recently, what is the reason for this?
– We have the only arena that has a certificate of the second category of the International Athletics Federation. There are six tracks in a circle and eight tracks in the center – this is an opportunity for six athletes to participate in the finals at once at running distances from 200 m and above, as well as eight people can immediately prepare to compete in the sprint finals. This creates a chance for athletes, which has doubled, and also increases entertainment (smiles).
– What tasks does the Athletics Federation set for this year?
– We have big tasks for this year. First of all, to raise the material base in Semey, where new pits for high jumps are needed, because a high-rise athlete, champion of Kazakhstan Nadezhda Dubovitskaya lives there. They need good sectors for the pole, the core, so that athletes can prepare with dignity. Also, Ridder – there is a task to finally close the circle, because for how many decades athletes have been training in a straight shuttle run, but nevertheless they train such strong athletes. We are also opening branches in Semey, Ridder, Kokpekty, we will replenish equipment, materials, we will train judges, we also want more volunteers.
– Mass character or achievements, what are your priorities?
– These are our two priorities, we need to try. We need to develop both. As they say, “From mass sports to an Olympic medal.” There is no such thing as one without the other. The more children come to us to study, the more we have the opportunity to attract attention so that the child stays here and realizes himself.
– Now there is a tendency to send children to sports as early as possible. Is there a danger in sending children to such a serious sport as athletics?
– I think it’s not worth rushing. From the age of 9-10, you need to send children to sports. I joined athletics myself at the age of 12 from another sport. There is no need to hurry here, of course there are no special dangers, but there is a danger if the child gets to some incompetent coach. But all our coaches are professionals, so it’s not scary to bring children to us, and it’s necessary. They constantly take exams, improve their qualifications, take courses, that is, they work with children and with professionals. Last year, our school became the champion in athletics among all sports schools. Among the younger boys, the first place, among the older ones – the second, these are quite high team-wide indicators. The school is open, and the children go with pleasure.
– Despite the fact that in March there will be another championship of Kazakhstan in Shymkent in throwing and long distances, I would like to hear your opinion about the winter season? What is worth working on?
– This season, the flu epidemic has greatly shaken the health of our athletes. Therefore, many people did not approach the starts in the best shape, and I think because of this we have few champions of Kazakhstan. We are second and third in prizes. It is gold, for example, that only the older boys have in the relay, although, of course, an average level is observed with each performance. Athletes need to get together, especially since the summer season is coming soon, they need to perform well. This time we performed modestly, but we can do better. It’s such a passing season, there are no World or Asian Championships right now, so we didn’t get in great shape. We need to push harder in the summer, because our main goal is the Asian Youth Championship and the World Cup.
– Are there any athletes who show hopes of becoming a star of big sports?
– Yes, there is, but it’s better not to tell them about it (laughs). Children may have a sense of exclusivity, and there is already pride, and then the results in sports fall sharply.
– Now you have the opportunity to address the residents of East Kazakhstan region!
– Go in for sports, send your children to athletics. Even if a child does not become a champion, then sport will give him something to live for anyway. The ability to overcome difficulties, endure, achieve your goals, there is such an understanding that “Only through hard work can you achieve something.” You need to come, work, achieve results, because only work can give a lot. We worked hard for Olga to win at the Olympic Games to build an arena, because no one knows these subtleties. It is only through work and work that sports are laid, the ability to overcome injuries, to suffer defeats, is worthy. All this brings up a healthy nation, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Come to the sport, because it really is a school of life!
Inna Semenyak
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