Athletics center

Olga Rypakova


Golden crumbs

The young age of the championship participants does not mean that there was nothing interesting here. On the contrary, it is here that you can see real sports in all its glory – intrigue twisted to the limit, a huge number of participants, each of whom has already managed to prove himself at the national level, and, of course, sincere joy from victories, which is not always possible to see at competitions among adults.

The reporting championship was held in Karaganda and became truly triumphant for East Kazakhstan athletes. Our national team became the second, second only to the owners of the stadium, and the number of medals won is so much that no article will be enough to tell about each of them.

Separately, I would like to note the unconditional success of Ust-Kamenogorsk athlete Valeria Bromat. She is only 14 years old, and she was one of the youngest at this championship, but the miracle girl eventually won three championship titles at once, winning victories in the 100 m, long jump and as part of the 4-100 m relay together with Maria Sukhorukova, Elina Ustinovich and Olga Pulyaeva from Ridder in the composition! In addition, Bromat also became a bronze medalist, finishing third in the 4200 m relay, where she was again helped by Sukhorukova, Ustinovich and another Ridder pupil Maria Iskendirova!

But Arina Gladysheva, a 12-year-old girl from Ridder, plunged fans of this sport and specialists into even greater shock. This miracle excelled in the most grueling 1000 m and 2000 m races, eventually winning two championship titles! In total, the East Kazakhstan Region national team has 9 awards of the highest dignity, and more than half of them went to two of our little superstars.

Four more triumphs were won by Elena Trontova from the village of Belousovka in the shot put, Elnur Zhumabekov from Ust-Kamenogorsk in the pole vault, and two more “golds” are associated with the name of Andrei Ignatikov. First, he won a personal 110 m hurdles race, and then, in the company of Zhandos Zhakypov, Gleb Snegirev and Ernur Surkhanov, he made a sensation and won the 4 200 m relay.

In addition, our athletes have six silver and four bronze awards.

