COVID-19 virusyn taraluyna zhane Republic of bashylygy kabyldagan sharalarga baylanysty ahualdyn agymdagy zhagdayyn bashylykka ala otyryp, khabarlaymyz:
Kazakhstan Republikasyn aumagynda zhenil athleticadan barlyk championshiptar men zharystar atkizilmeidi;
Odan ari sheshimderdi Federation of bashylygy republikadagi TJ regime ayaktalgannan keyin salalyk ministerlikpen kelisim boyynsha kabyldaityn bolady.
KR Densaulyk aktau ministerligi zhane baska da uakiletti organdar bergen barlyk saktyk sharalaryn katan saktaudy usynamyz.
Sonday-ak, the Federation of kensesi online mode of the zhumyska auysatyn khabarlaymyz.
Guided by the current state of the situation related to the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the measures taken by the leadership of the Republic, we inform you:
All championships and competitions in athletics in Kazakhstan are canceled;
Further decisions will be made by the leadership of the Federation after the end of the state of emergency in the Republic, in coordination with the branch ministry.
We strongly recommend that you follow all precautions given by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other authorized bodies.