Athletics center

Olga Rypakova


Competition program

The program of the RK Indoor Athletics Championship among junior boys (2006-2007)

February 27 – 1st day of the competition

Morning program 

10:00 60 m Boys 6-thlon

10:00 Pole Vault Boys Basic

10:00 Shot Put Boys Basic

10:05 60 m Boys Races

10:35 60 m Girls Races

10:35 Long jump Boys 6-thlon

11:05 400 m Girls Races

11:35 400 m Youth Races

11:35 Shot put Boys 6-thlon

11:35 Long Jump Girls Qualification

11:40 3000 c/x Girls Final

Evening program

16:00 High Jump Boys Basic

16:05 Long Jump Girls Basic

16:10 1500 m Girls Final

16:25 1500 m Boys Final

16:45 400 m Girls Final

16:50 400 m Boys Final

17:00 3000 c/x Boys Final

17:40 60 m Girls Final

17:45 60 m Boys Final

17:55 Relay mix 4×200 Young Girls. The final

February 28 – 2nd day of the competition

Morning program 

10:00 60 m/w Girls 5-thlon

10:00 Long Jump Boys Qualification

10:00 Shot Put Girls Basic

10:05 60 m s/w Girls Races

10:20 60 m/w Boys 6-thlon

10:25 60 m s/w Boys Races

10:35 High jump Girls 5-thlon

10:40 200 m Girls Races

11:10 200 m Youth Races

11:35 Shot Put Girls 5-thlon

11:35 High jump Boys 6-borye

11:45 1500 s/p Girls Final

11:55 1500 s/p Boys Final

Evening program


16:00 High Jump Girls Basic

16:10 Long Jump Girls 5-thlon

16:30 200 m Girls Final

16:35 200 m Boys Final

16:45 800 m Girls Final

16:55 800 m Boys Final

17:10 Long Jump Boys Basic

17:10 1000 m Boys 6-thlon

17:15 800 m Girls. 5-thlon

17:30 60 m/w Girls Final

17:40 60 m/w Boys Final

17:50 Relay race 4×200 Jun. The final

18:00 4×200 Maidens Relay race. The final

March 1 – 3rd day of the competition

Morning program

10:00 Pole Vault Girls Basic

10:00 3000 m Girls Final

10:15 3000 m Boys Final

10:30 4×400 Relay Girls Final

10:40 4×400 Relay Boys Final

The program is always subject to change!
